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Episode 21: “Negation and Consumption within Culture (feat. Lisa Tee)” by Base & the Superstructure

I honestly don't know what to write here about this track by Base and the Superstructure. It comes from a 2011 Learning Music Monthly project so I'll just post what I found there. Other than that all I can say is it's a great track and an even better album.

Get the whole thing at Learning Music Monthly.

John Wood graciously stepped aside and handed over the controls to Base and The Superstructure for this (not so) humble effort to re-imagine Guy Debord’s cultural-critique-masterpiece Society of the Spectacle. Guest appearances by Los Angeles based pop diva, Lisa Tee, make this a Learning Music Monthly for which to shake those asses and other assets. So step up, install your head screws, and prepare to have a “Spectacular Time!”

Download “Negation and Consumption within Culture (feat. Lisa Tee)” by Base & the Superstructure


Team Response in League of Legends

 Say you’re in the jungle. Say you’re on Hecarim the latest jungler to be added to the League of Legends. You find a not-so-friendly Udyr at your wraiths. You know you’d lose 1 on 1 because Udyr is ridiculously OP, but you stay and fight thinking that so close to your mid lane, surely your team will be able to respond faster than theirs.  Their mid and their support show up. Yours don't. You die.Ten seconds later, some bright young summoner says in chat, "WHYD U GO INTU A 3 v 1 NOOB?"

 You get angry at them and they get angry at you. This escalates into all out team rage, and if it’s a ranked game you or your teammates will probably give up. You might play out the rest of the game, but you spend the entire time arguing and expecting to lose.

 First, don’t let this be you. Don’t get mad at your teammates who seemingly “go into a 3v1” or worse. You probably only saw the end of the fight. League of Legends games are won and lost many times based on which team responds faster and better.

 You might think someone did something ridiculously dumb, but do you really believe the vast majority of players would knowingly try to solo vs three or more enemy champions?

 No. You’re teammates aren’t that dumb. Stop blaming them. You only saw the end of the fight. They didn’t know the other champs were there. You get angry and blame them but you should be mad at yourself. Don’t pull “Why did you engage, I wasn’t there!” You not being there is not your team’s fault. It’s yours, so watch the map and respond when your teammates are in trouble, and as always, stay classy.

 Note: This, of course, has never happened to me. Truly. For real. I swear. 


Episode 20: “Hay Que Luchar” by Adelit@s

There's awesome and then there's that special form of awesome that nobody else knows about. It's the foundation of hipster culture (Dave accuses me of being a hipster quite often...). Adelit@s is that kind of awesome without being hipster at all.

They're a Portland OR-based anarchopunk band driven by alternating female-male vocals in Spanish inspired by Latin American revolutionary music. The band formed in 2006 with a few acoustic guitars and covers of old punk songs from Argentina and Spain and soon settled into its lineup. The name comes from a popular Mexican folk song and refers to the women who organized and took up arms during the Mexican Revolution. In this spirit the lyrics have focused on struggles around the border, immigration, and popular social movements that threaten the status quo.

Download “Hay Que Luchar” by Adelit@s

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