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Want to donate once with any sum? Here's where you do it. Don't forget to tell us at check-out what your summoner name is and why you're donating!

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Donate to Low Elo

The Low Elo League of Legends podcast is ad-free thanks to the support of the community. We run ads on the web-site to keep costs at a minimum. If you'd like to contribute to the show but don't know how you may want to consider a donation!

Donating is a great way to support Low Elo and the community. Proceeds from donations are applied to costs left over after ad-revenue is spent and in the following order:

  1. Podcast hosting and archiving
  2. Web hosting
  3. Web-site back-up/cloud storage
  4. Audio equipment upgrades (mics, mixers, software)
  5. Community giveaways and prizes (RP, skins, free stuff from the store)
  6. Bouncy castles, islands made of cheeseburgers, gambling debt