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Why Shyvana Counter Jungle is OP


We talked about how OP Shyvana is when she counter jungles in LowElo 4, but there's more. We talked about her speed, but not about how the entire strategy makes other teams lose. 

When Shyvana counter jungles, she uses the speed granted by her W to get into position very quick. We will examine two scenarios that create losing situations for the enemy team:

In scenario 1, Shyvana is solo top. She farms the waves until her lane is pushed, then goes to the enemy jungle to kill wolves, golems, or to even steal a buff. This does several things. First, it makes her impervious to ganks. Every good summoner knows that the best time to gank successfully is when the enemy is pushed to the tower. By simply not being in lane, Shyvana dodges these ganks when she's solo top. It is rare a jungler takes the time to visit top when the enemy champion is nowhere on the radar. 

The second benefit of this pushed lane is that the enemy turret eats up minion kills that would otherwise go to their champion. Over time this means Shyvana will lead in CS DESPITE the fact that she is absent from the lane when it's pushed. 

Third, to help lead with CS, Shyvana gains extra gold and experience from enemy wolves/wraiths/Golem/Lizard, which are worth more than the regular minions. Over time, this creates a significant LEVEL advantage against her opponent top who did not employ this strategy. 

The second scenario moves Shyvana to the jungle. Her ridiculous move speed allows her to complete her jungle and then rob the enemy jungler from important farm. 

The important benefit from both scenarios is that Shyvana's counter jungling creates a lose-lose sitation for the enemy team. Teams may place wards to see her approach, and then can attempt to kill her, if they are fast enough. More often than not, however, they aren't fast enough, and the mid or top lane champion from the enemy team who comes to help loses gold and experience from not being in lane.

Even without killing the creeps in the enemy jungle, Shyvana wins just by threatening to do so. Then, with her speed and/or flash ultimate, she gets away unscathed-at times just do a different camp in the enemy jungle where the enemy champions aren't around. 

M5 swept IEM Kiev, only dropping one game to SoloMid. They were the only "pro" team to use Shyvana in this way, but hopefully now people will respect her more as a champion and realize everything she brings to the team. As anyone watching the live stream of Kiev can tell you, EVERYONE screamed when TSM did not ban Shyvana. 



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    Why Shyvana Counter Jungle is OP - Low Elo League of Legends Extra (Blog and Music) - The Only League of Legends Podcast
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    Why Shyvana Counter Jungle is OP - Low Elo League of Legends Extra (Blog and Music) - The Only League of Legends Podcast
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    Response: GoPro Accessories
    Why Shyvana Counter Jungle is OP - Low Elo League of Legends Extra (Blog and Music) - The Only League of Legends Podcast
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    Why Shyvana Counter Jungle is OP - Low Elo League of Legends Extra (Blog and Music) - The Only League of Legends Podcast

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June 4, 2013 | Unregistered Commenternyucka

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