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So You Want to be a Shoutcaster?

The current state of our shoutcaster staff is explained here.

For those of you too stubborn for that, here's Compy's patented step by step guide to becoming a Low Elo streamer. 

1) Make sure you can stream League of Legends games in HD quality (720p minimum). 

2) Have an account.

3) Have a Twitter account. 

4) Record yourself shoutcasting a game via your channel (if you don't know how to do this, let me tell you about this great thing called Google. It will save you SOO much time for the rest of your life). 

5) Send a Direct Message (DM) via Twitter to @LowEloDave (aka Compy386), @IceDarkKnight and @AceTrainerEli with a link to your recording on your account.  

This will ensure that we can make sure you're not terrible. Be warned, you may go through all of these AGONIZING steps and still not be accepted. In that case, we suggest you practice. Very few people are wonderful the first time they shoutcast a game, yet people send us recordings of their first time shoutcasting and expect us to love it. 


References (2)

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Reader Comments (2)

Hey. I am just wondering if there is any age requirement to be a streamer. if so what is it? Also how many streamers are you looking for? thanks :D

November 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrian Doane

Hello guys! My question now is, if I have to play on NA to be a Streamer / ULTRA PERFECT english speaking? I'm german, but my english knowledge is still kind of fluent and I know how to talk with it.

November 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteven Weber (Xiivo)

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