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Don’t Use Abilities Just Because You Can

Playing a tank, jungler, or anyone with significant crowd control (CC) in League of legends can be difficult. Most people stay away from tanks, junglers, and supports because they feel like they have no impact on the game. This is a quick example of when you should NOT use your abilities just because you can.

My buddy Garrett is playing Maokai and catches a Kog’Maw pushing bottom - far away from any of his teammates. Friendly Amumu and Warwick are helping gank him. Maokai spots Kog’Maw in the bush and immediately uses his root to keep him in place. Kog’Maw runs and then flashes, but eventually a Warwick ultimate takes him down next to dragon in the river.

They got the kill and all got out alive because Kog’Maw’s teammates were too far away to help, but it still took way too long to kill him. In this situation, Maokai should have just “walked up and hit” Kog’Maw after discovering him in the bush. Just because you’re a tank/support/jungler doesn’t mean you don’t do damage, but an ability used at the right time is far more valuable than an ability used when because it’s available.

If the situation had been different, had Kog’Maw’s team been closer and responded faster, they might have let an easy kill get away. So remember, sometimes using your abilities immediately is not optimal. Wait for the right time, and your team will be happy you did. See you on the fields. 

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