Sometimes you don't need words. We've all played a game of League of Legends to victory without typing a word and it's a perfect experience. Patrick Lee does the same with our latest feature track. No words. Just perfect funk to put a smile on your face.
In his own words, Patrick started on pots and pans, graduated to the trampoline, moved onto piano, learned a little guitar, did a lot of skateboarding, bought a Van Halen tape or two, played in middle school grunge bands, graduated to high school ska bands, migrated to college funk bands, majored in piano at CU, played a show at a go-kart track, cooked up a storm, recorded as much as possible, bought a rhodes, started collecting keyboards, won six Grammys, collaborated with Notorious B.I.G. a few times, won "Remixer of The Year" in SPIN, traveled the globe with the Globetrotters, invented no less than thirty-three different dance crazes, reinvented reggae, built a handmade schoolbus out of balsa wood, toured Middle Earth in said bus, started a rehab center for orphaned ducks, mastered the art of playing in g minor, invited Pearl Jam to open up for his 1994 arena tour and was turned down, lost a leg, and that brings us up to today.
Download “Quittin' Time” by Patrick Lee