Low Elo Podcast EP. 119 - Marco Polo

In the land of League of Legends, Low Elo stands alone to bring you the end of season eSports updates, reflections on regionals and inevitable doom and gloom. We also talk about Gnar and Gankenstein wants to give away his skins which is totally fine because we let him win. Don't tell him.
This week, Michael Bay is in charge of the next champion rework and he's looking at your favorite champion! How will his creative genius manifest to make this champion the most explosive hit ever to top the ban list? Send your answers to team@lowelo.com and the three best will receive mystery gift skins (or equivilant) when we announce our favorites on the next episode!
Also, if you're looking for a way to support the show, you could always donate - that would be pretty cool.
As always, follow the hosts WRITE HEAR.

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