
Low Elo Podcast EP. 124 - Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

You know, I pass out at work just once and these guys go and record a show without me. This episode is filled with all of the football references and Garen talk you'd expect from Dave run wild. They also talk about Scion and beg Stretch to turn up his microphone.
This week Dave finally gets his favorite activity into the game and asks you what happens when your favorite champion is a recruited into the NFL. What position do they play and how is that working out for them? Send answers and your other emails to
I'll be back next week.
P.S. Oh, and by the way, that relationship advice you're writing in about? That's me.
League of Legends,
Low Elo | tagged
league of legends,
low elo,
scion |

Reader Comments (2)
Hello lowelo! I am summoner serelkan, I'm 32 and iv been playing PC games since c&c red alert, and everygame I can that has come out since I just started listening to your pod cast a week ago and love listening to your advice and all around love for lol, iv been playing about 3 month or so I'm lvl 26, I'm the type of player that doesn't really pay attention to numbers, builds, and meta.
What I do do is I take any champ I'm playing and I figure him out as I go, I heard you guys talk about voilbear on episode 1 or 2, as time goes on I pick up the meta that everyone goes with but that's not how I like to play, so I told my bro that I wanna make up our own meta, it came after him and I went bot with the norm jinx as adc, and me as voli, and went on to win about 6 games in a row. While I have played the meta way in countless games that end In a win, for me the reason I play is to go against the norm so I guess I would say to other is try new things make you own meta, and have fun with it and who knows maybe come up with a combo that would make Michel Bay explode! Keep the advice and fun times coming and stay classy.
you keep asking for support reports. I've sent you 2 of them already. I named it SUPPORT REPORT and SUPPORT REPORT 2 (yes, in capitals :D). Did you get them? Or was it not something you are looking for? Just let me know please. Thanks.