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Entries in league of legends (127)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 93 - Eat Like Snake

We return after a week long break with Low Elo Episode 93 talking about the recent changes to North America's favorite team, incoming mastery changes and a lesson on persuit angles.

This week we continue the Heimer Challenge - how quickly can you beat 5 bots on Summoner's Rift in a custom game as Heimerdinger? This episode was pre-recorded - the challenge is extended to 11/21! Email a screenshot of your best time to and the winner will be rewarded with RP or in-game purchases!

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This episode's soundtrack is IKEA by Jonathan Coulton 

Download Low Elo Episode 93


Low Elo Podcast EP. 92 - Chocolate Milkcast

Episode 92 of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast is a duo act with Jeff and Dave covering the the latest news on vision changes for season 4 along with the sivir remake, carry jungle and more.

This week's game asks you what a new season 4 item would look like if it were named after you. Jeff's is the EatCrayonomicon which activates to provide vague yet contextually sound wisdom.

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer and @LowEloDave.

This episode's soundtrack is The Low by Symmetry.

Download Low Elo Episode 92


Low Elo Podcast EP. 91 - Happy Harrowing

It's episode 91 of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast and in the seasons are to be trusted it's time for some mad science!

This week we speculate wildly on the upcoming changes to vision and support economy in the upcoming pre-season and go on to ask you what your epic Halloween prank would be and which champion you would take with you. Join in on the innocent fun (or send us other email)at

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave@ctfelts and @RintheYordle.

We'd also like to thank our sponsor Audible. Visit and download a free audio book.

This episode's soundtrack is Black Magic by JMD.

Download Low Elo Episode 91


Low Elo Podcast EP. 90 - Cupcake In Your Ear

This week on Low Elo 90 the whole team has a craving for brains that comes with their favorite time of year. The Harrowing is coming soon and marks the transition into the (North American) holiday season.

Keep sending your email and Jax queue tips to

Tweet the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This week's musical track is Number 3 by Multifaros.

Download Low Elo Episode 90