Low Elo EP. 135 - Skullpiercer EP 1. - The Apex Legends Podcast

Hey there listeners! Confused? Don't be. A new episode of Low Elo? Not exactly... but we want to invite you to listen to our new Apex Legends podcast. This is the first episode and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it.
On episode 1 of Skullpiercer, the Apex Legends podcast, Jeff, Platt and Stretch talk about Twitch Rivals EU, speeeeeeed and why Respawn can’t just make all these changes we’re asking for.
This week’s game asks if you could combine any two items or weapons, what would they be? Send your answers and questions for the next episode to team@skullpiercer.com and we’ll read the best on the air.
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iTunes: http://bit.ly/SkullpierceriTunesEp1
Spotify: http://bit.ly/SkullpiercerSpotifyEp1
Google Play: http://bit.ly/SkullpiercerGoogleEp1
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Thanks for listening!