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Entries in M5 (7)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 11 - Red Dawn 2

Jeff is back in the studio just in time to welcome LoL's new, Russian overlords. We talk about M5's utter dominance at IEM Hannover, the strategy they used, and the new top support Janne. We also talk about the role of the jungler, the vulnerabilitiy of the jungle, how to counter jungle and other ways to bring pro strategy into your games. This is our 11th episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast for the players and we thank you, the players, for listening.

Download Low Elo Episode 11


Low Elo Podcast EP. 5 - Ban Shyvana to Win

In this, the latest episode of Low Elo, Jeff, Dave and Christian discuss the revolutionary strategy employed by to defeat the Russian M5 in the Kings of Europe competition. We also cover the new yordle, Ziggs the Hexplosives Expert, who happens to be a blast to play (see what I did there?). We also touch on the evolving jungle meta-game, some tips for new summoners and how much we hate Wukong.

Download Low Elo Episode 5


Low Elo Podcast EP. 4 - Red Dawn

 Kiev happened and we would like to welcome our new Russian overlords. Oh, what's that you say? The US took the 2nd and 3rd podium positions at a European event? Ok, so it's not so bad.

Moscow 5, the infamous Russian boy band, took Kiev by storm with a super aggressive jungle, intelligent picks and snazzy red white and blue jerseys. Jeff, Dave and Christian talk shop on this last qualifier event out of the Ukraine and how it impacts the metagame.

Download Low Elo Episode 4

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