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Low Elo Podcast EP. 83 - Welcome to the Jam

This week's episode of Low Elo was recorded a week ago but due to real world circumstances it is only being published now. Sorry about that! Regularly scheduled, up to date programming will resume next week.

This week we cover lies, damn lies and statistics, admit some wrong judgements for Spectral Cowl and give you some tips for working with Wukong.

The game this week asks you which champion would make the best saturday morning cartoon show or which saturday morning cartoon character would make the best champion? Send your answers to

You can reach the Low Elo staff on twitter here as @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @CTFelts.

This week's musical track is Great Lakes by John Wort Hannam.

Download Low Elo Episode 83


Low Elo Podcast EP. 31 - Zombie On Your Lawn

In this episode, Jeff, Dave, Christian and Rin talk about the power of statistics, give initial impressions on Zyra, talk shop about Yorick's place in the meta and talk about how to plan for kills. This playbook is one you won't want to miss as it's one of the most overlooked pieces of play for new players.

We're also extending the Art Contest by 1 week to end on the 7th of August. Why? Well, we recieved a lot of feedback from artists who wanted a little extra time so we're going to give it to you all. If you've already submitted your entry and want to refine it, that's ok too! Just email entries to!

As usual, feel free to email your feedback, questions, stories and answers to the weekly game. We can all be reached at


Download Low Elo Episode 31