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What's In This Photo?

Anonymous sources have sent us this photo taken with an iPhone. It appears to be a picture of... we're not sure what. What we know so far is that it's League of Legends related, appears to be a picture of a screen and includes the partial text at the bottom "who are the".


Episode 37: “Smile” by Stray Dogg

After couple of solo performances as a singer songwriter, Dukat Stray a.k.a. Stray Dogg decided to form a band in the winter of 2011 with Ana (violin), and Jelena (piano), girls who are Music Academy (Belgrade) graduates.

The band performed as a backup to Chinawoman and Scout Niblett after only couple of months practice, with a 4 song Demo only availible. The band needed another guitar player, and that's when Marko from the Belgrade electro pop band Inje, joined Stray Dogg band to play solo guitar.

Download “Smile” by Stray Dogg


Episode 36: “Porcelain Judas” by Diablo Swing Orchestra

I listen to a lot of music but not a lot of metal. That said, Diablo Swing Orchestra both surprised and inspired me. This Swedish octet has one of the coolest and most refreshing sounds I've ever heard and they accomplish it through a mind numbing combination of styles including swing, jazz, metal and traditional european orchestra sharing the stage with a haunting soprano voice that sticks to you like a fed Udyr.

They're amazing and worth a listen. If you're in to some odd musical arrangements, this one will blow your mind.

Download “Porcelain Judas” by Diablo Swing Orchestra