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The 100 Game Challenge - Part I

So this question came up a few times since we did Episode 32, "The 100 Game Challenge." I thought 1) I'd offer in writing some of the details of the 100 game challenge for future reference, and 2) I'd talk about how you might tailor it for other roles (jungle and support mainly). This is the first of a three part series discussing just that. 

For all 100 game challenges -Choose a champion you want to learn, or that you want to learn better (this is a big commitment guys- playing 100 games with someone can be a chore- I'm on game 30 with Sona and I am avoiding playing her right now)

The spirit of the 100 game challenge is to force summoners to see that its ALWAYS their fault they lost. You are the only common factor in every one of your losses. If you spend all your time pontificating on builds/champion balance/matchups, you will become deadlocked and never improve. By breaking down what will make you better from the fundamentals onward, the 100 game challenge will not only make you better at a specific champion, but it will make you better at the game on the whole. 

Part 1 - Top, Mid, AD Carry

Game 1-25: Last Hitting: For these laners, last hitting is super important. You need to be able to last hit minions and keep the gold flowing. Learn to last hit in any situation- under tower, not under tower, with abilities, without abilities, early game, mid game, late game while listening to different types of music. The point here is that if you unburden yourself from the pressure to win, or "go positive" or any of that other crap, you can be free to focus and improve on the fundamentals.

Game 26-50: Item Build: MobaFire and Solomid are great places to start, but you need to come up with an item build that is best for you.  You might be a big Dyrus fan, I mean, who isn't, but don't follow his guide blindly. There are items he will buy for very specific reasons and in certain situations. Games 26-50 are for you to learn this for yourself. The most important thing to do is experiment. Try different items. You may be surprised that a certain item is great to get at a certain time in the game according to your playstyle, even if it's an Ionic Spark. 

Game 51-75: Team Fighting: Focus on your role in teamfights. Teamfighting is the #1 most important thing in League of Legends, so by now Last Hitting and your Item Build should be second nature. Focus on initiating, positioning, and target acquisition. Team Fighting is the most important thing in the game, but it's impossible to 'tell' you all the things you will or should learn. There is no 'this is how you teamfight' article. It would have to be a 40 volume Encyclopedia. The only bit of advice is to forget what you think you know. The more you can do this, the more you can learn. 

Game 75-100: Refining: After 75 games, you're probably really good with that champion. Or at least you're much much better than you were before. This is where you work on the high concepts. Lane matchups vs. specific champions or specific duos. Team composition. Theory. Philosophy. The nature of the universe. Too many summoners start out this way...arguing over who is good vs. bad against who in what lane. Don't be that summoner with 200 wins declaring edicts about what you think you know. 

It's always better to have a plan, and it can be very theraputic to focus on one thing at a time. By doing this, you could learn more things about the game than how to play a specific champion. The secret behind the 100 game challenge is exactly that- keep an open mind and try to be objective and you will learn. 

So, how do we tailor this for Support and Jungle roles on Summoner's Rift? Stay Tuned for Part 2.




Episode 34: “Dance it, Dance All (Kidnas & Asai Remix)” by The Easton Ellises

The Easton Ellises are Alex D and Simon Roy, best friends since their schooldays. They met back when Simon was studying music and Alex visual arts. They have since been making music together for the past fifteen years, playing with many different bands going from psychedelic music to punk-rock, experimental to progressive house.

In 1999 they formed a band called Stereomovers , which took them on a long musical journey. Between 2000 and 2005, they were part of Montréal’s underground electronic scene playing clubs, afterhours, and raves. Their music took them abroad playing in important music festivals and parties in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Their music has also been featured on a number of internationally renowned DJ compilations (Global Underground, Renaissance, Yoshitoshi, etc.). This featured track is a remix of their Dance it Dance track by Asai and Kidnas.

Download “Dance it, Dance All (Kidnas & Asai Remix)” by The Easton Ellises


PlayerPOV: Am I a Psycho?

I'm sure many of us at Low Elo are familiar with PlayerPOV ever since Cody's appearence on the podcast some episodes ago. If you enjoy high quality League of Legends music tributes; especially if its rap, then I have something for you to check out. Cody, and Collective have teamed up with Badministrator to spit some hot fire on the track of "Am I a Psycho" with special guest Adam Harrington - The voice of Shaco. Sonny Psydup from the Yordles Band also makes an appearence on this track forging the impeccable chorus between the fat rhymes. The powerful but rolling flow coupled with fierce, and funny lyrics makes this musical tribute worth the listen. 

If you'd like to follow any of the very talented people who were involved in the making of this rap tribute you can click on any of the links below.

PlayerPOV: Youtube, Twitter

Badministrator: Youtube, Twitter

TheYordlesBand: Youtube, Twitter

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