Low Elo Podcast EP. 15 - Dark Horse Rising

The League of Legends eSports landscape is changing. Coaches, meal plans and events at Vegas, oh my! In this episode we go over the competitors for the upcoming IPL4, a dark horse Monomaniac eSports, speculation on the next champion, Hecarim, and some tips on how to push the lanes for success, love and profit. We also, very proudly, read your answers submissions for last week's game.
As will not be the norm, we invite you to send us your answers for this week's game which challenges you to come up with a champion duo fit for reality TV show The Amazing Race. Oh, and don't forget to check out the music section for info on all of our music tracks from every episode.
Email Jeff, Dave or Christian, leave a comment on the site or check out our twitter feeds @EatGamer and @lowelodave with your comments, ideas or answers to our weekly game.