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Entries in olaf (6)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 77 - Stuff and Things

This Week Dave, Shea, and Christian talk about bots, grillmasters, and what Riot plans to do to curb the 2v1 laning in LCS play. In our first ever UPness segment, we talk about what's wrong with Olaf, and what Riot might be doing about it. The crew wishes you a happy 4th of July and asks what you, dear loweloians, what the game for next week should be.

Download Low Elo Episode 77


Low Elo Podcast EP. 25 - Robot With A 12 Pack

Jeff is back for this episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast for the Players and it is good. This week is all about MLG Anaheim and the results of this latest, greatest eSports event. We also talk about what we've learned from MLG Anaheim, what the competition has in store, Compy's thoughts on Draven and Olaf's broversized OPness.

Download Low Elo Episode 25


Low Elo Podcast EP. 16 - Always Right

The Low Elo League of Legends crew is always right. Remember that. The proof is in the latest major eSports event for LoL in which weeks worth of predictions came true. Olaf with boots. First pick Janna support. Shen OP. Udyr eternally banworthy. Entire teams built around Kogmaw. Yup. We talk about how awesome we are and about IPL4's winning team, TSM and the impressive performance of Mono eSports. We talk about the strategies that put teams ahead, teams behind and teams on the podium. We also bash Mundo for a while.

Our game this week is all about keeping your job. Send us your answers at, and and don't forget to stop by and say hi in the Low Elo chat room in game.

Download Low Elo Episode 16


Low Elo Podcast EP. 12 - Made of Murder

 Lulu is made of murder. Trust us. Listen, play her, email us your experiences and come back next week so we can talk about how amazing this new and innovative support fresh out of Riot's offices performs. We also discuss the new item, Maw of Malmortius and what it could potentially mean for the meta game. We also talk about our attempts to break the meta M5 style over the last week with support in the jungle. Here's a hint - it's SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Download, listen, write us back and don't forget to say hey on the NA servers in our LowElo chat room.

Download Low Elo Episode 12