Low Elo Podcast EP. 17 - Kassadon't

Kassadin is OP. Ok, now that we have that out of the way... On this episode of Low Elo, the League of Legends podcast for the players, we bring in Rin the Yordle to cover for Christian and discuss with us the new UI, balance changes to Wit's End, Atma's Impaler, Doran's Ring and Blade and the new champion Hecarim. Why does he fear!?
We also ask for your participation in a listener's survey as he tries to discern why on earth we love eSports (for SCIENCE!).
Give us a listen and don't forget to drop into the chat room LOWELO in the PVP.net client or send us email at jeff@lowelo.com, dave@lowelo.com or christian@lowelo.com.