Low Elo Podcast EP. 116 - MEATCAST!

Hello Low Elo listener. This week Dave and I want to say "we're sorry" to you, our fans. We've left you without the melodic tones of Low Elo for much too long. And to show you that we mean it, we've recorded this episode together and made it last a full 2 hours. We do it because we care.
That's right, listener. I'm talking to you.
This week on the show, we talk about patch updates in 4.12, invite you to watch the New Dawn cinematic with us and much more.
This week we're running a queue tip for Zyra so send us your tips and tricks on how to play as (or against!) this lady of the nightshade. You can send your tips and other email to team@lowelo.com.
Follow Team Meat on Twitter as @EatGamer and @LowEloDave.