Low Elo Podcast EP. 71 - Ezreal OP Nerf Jarvan

What's new in League of Legends this week? Well, we've got two new teams in the LCS, two old teams in the LCS, blue Ezreal, Sejuani getting all crazy in here and of course shenanigans around the approaching All-Star games in Shanghai, China.
This week's game asks which champion is held up in customs and can't make it to China and what impact that might have on the tournament. We also read your emails and iTunes reviews. You can send game entries and emails to team@lowelo.com.
The hosts can be reached at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @ThatDarkskeGuy.
Don't forget to like us on Facebook (we would totally like you if we could)!
This episode's soundtrack is Rednecks with White Faces by Caühaüs.