Low Elo Podcast EP. 121 - Yo Adrian!

This week on Low Elo: The Only League of Legends Podcast Jeff and Christian return from PAX Prime 2013 with wildly differing perspectives but generally the same memories, Dave talks about the future, we examine the slippery slope of map specific balancing and talk about our reinvigorated love for the tournament scene.
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This week we ask for queue tips for Lucian! Send those along with your art, around the world updates, pictures and thoughts to team@lowelo.com.
You can reach the hosts of this episode on twitter at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @ctfelts.
This week's musical track is Press Enter to Enter by Deft Aphid.
This week on Low Elo we break down some PAX highlights the least of which is deffinitely not us bragging about how well Jayce performed.
We also cover some highlights from the Q&A pannel with Riot Games, some stats to give you an insight on what the pros see as the most powerful champions in the league and then we break down the infamous "Poke Comp".
Our game this week is all about coming up with a League of Legends mascot!
Send game entries, comments, questions, praise, brownie recipes and confessions of guilt to team@lowelo.com! Follow us on twitter as @EatGamer @LowEloDave @ctf1990 and@RinTheYordle.