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Entries in Fiora (2)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 10 - The Curse of Curse

IEM Hannover is in full swing, and with the group stages complete and Curse looking for substitutes. Shen gets hit hard with the ban stick while Janna supports Shyvana in the jungle. M5 sits on top of Group B staring ominously down on the proletariat below. Olaf discovers his OPness and Jeff jungles with boots first. Christian preaches to Jax believers while we take a closer look at Fiora. To top it off, we discuss which champions might be effective LAN event shoutcasters for League of Legends. 

Download Low Elo Episode 10


Low Elo Podcast Ep. 9 - Tons of Damage

In this episode we talk about the mindset at Hannover, what it will take to win and how the champions will get there. We also talk briefly about a recent post by Xypherous regarding off-builds, the state of the game and the disappointing impact that Fiora stands to have on the meta. We also cover the minor changes to Teemo, Olaf and Lux that were introduced in the most recent League of Legends patch.

Download Low Elo Episode 9