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Entries in podcast (59)


Low Elo Podcast Ep. 9 - Tons of Damage

In this episode we talk about the mindset at Hannover, what it will take to win and how the champions will get there. We also talk briefly about a recent post by Xypherous regarding off-builds, the state of the game and the disappointing impact that Fiora stands to have on the meta. We also cover the minor changes to Teemo, Olaf and Lux that were introduced in the most recent League of Legends patch.

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Low Elo Podcast EP. 8 - Nautilus CAN Initiate

In this episode of Low Elo we congratulate Dignitas for their victory over CLG in the Curse Invitationl, talk about the groups going to Hannover for the IEM World Championships, Compy has a few things to say about the latest champion, Nautilus, who is very, very good and Fizz is exiled to the Island of Misfit Champions to retire with all of the other hard to place members of the Institute of War to sip pina coladas while awaiting buffs.

Reader email, shoutouts for iTunes reviews and some job placement round out the format for this, our eighth episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast for the Players.

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Low Elo Podcast EP. 7 - A Different Vayne

In this latest and greatest episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends podcast for the people, we talk about the recent arrival of Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert, on the pro scene, the nerfs to Soraka and Sona, a shiney new Shen and some speculation on Viktor. We also continue our quest to break the meta with Leona mid.

Oh, and there's a new champion named Nautilus. We talk about him too.

Stay a while and listen!

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Low Elo Podcast EP. 5 - Ban Shyvana to Win

In this, the latest episode of Low Elo, Jeff, Dave and Christian discuss the revolutionary strategy employed by to defeat the Russian M5 in the Kings of Europe competition. We also cover the new yordle, Ziggs the Hexplosives Expert, who happens to be a blast to play (see what I did there?). We also touch on the evolving jungle meta-game, some tips for new summoners and how much we hate Wukong.

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